About Us

UAE - Entrepreneur
UAE -Entrepreneur is an award winning platform informing about upcoming events for all aspiring entrepreneurs in the UAE. Created in a vibrant atmosphere of Al Ain Startup Weekend at UAE University in 2014, our team aims to deliver the most up-to-date information about the most valuable events for all starting businessmen and businesswomen who want to deepen their knowledge about setting up and leading a business in the UAE.
Our Vision
To position UAE-Entrepreneur as number one community for aspiring entrepreneurs in the UAE.
Our Mission
To provide an interactive platform with valuable content such as events calendar, forum, news, articles, event reviews, startup directory,
events photo gallery and essential resources for UAE based startups.
Team Experience
Our team of 7 possesses unique skills and a passion for entrepreneurship. With our team members having experience of attending over 100 various business events in the UAE in the past 2 years, we have complete understanding of the business events environment thanks to the thorough research, constant networking expansion and active events presence.
Having secured a 3rd place award in a global business competition"Startup Weekend" organized by Young Arab Leaders and Khalifa Fund apart from excellent mentorship we received, we won Aramex and Microsoft awards. Delighted by this distinction, we continue to stay dedicated to excellence,
in order to be regarded as number one business events website in the UAE.